Total Medals Earned: 3,183 (From 685 different games.) Total Medal Score: 65,315 Points
Medals Earned: 2/8 (15/390 points)
Beat the crap out of the first opponent!
Beat the crap out of the second opponent!
Beat the crap out of the third opponent!
Smash a lucky gummy in each of the 4 zones!
Break through the giant safe and retrieve your wallet!
Travel a minimum of 15,000 meters in "Survival" mode!
Upgrade everything to the max!
Complete all missions!
Medals Earned: 4/6 (135/190 points)
you have initiated a teleportation sequence
you are moving down the corridor
you have accessed the teleportation terminal
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/1 (10/10 points)
Complete the game
Medals Earned: 1/2 (10/35 points)
Perform a perfect jump.
Medals Earned: 1/1 (25/25 points)
Medals Earned: 1/13 (5/395 points)
Complete level 1
Complete level 2
Complete level 3
Complete level 4
Complete level 5
Complete level 6
Complete level 7
Complete level 8
Complete level 9
Complete level 10
Complete level 11
Complete level 12
Collect all the stars in each level
Medals Earned: 1/4 (10/185 points)
Start watching! But will you finish it?
You actually sat through that crap?!?!?!?!?
Watch for the 2nd time!
Watch for the 3RD TIME!!!
Medals Earned: 2/16 (10/80 points)
Defeat the Regular TV crew.
Kill the N00bs.
Defeat the 67 Bots.
Defeat the Bad Dudes.
Defeat the HUGE Jerks.
Defeat the Castle Crashers.
Kill the NG Emotes.
Defeat the Evil Bosses.
Defeat 10 random bosses.
Defeat the VG Legends.
Defeat the Jerk Squad.
Kill the legendary characters.
Defeat the Bourgeois.
Defeat the Travis Bots.
Defeat the NG Folks.
Defeat the Patriots.
Medals Earned: 7/10 (180/315 points)
Die before beating Luis.
Defeat Luis' 1st form.
Defeat Luis' 2nd form.
Find the 2nd alternate ending.
Defeat Luis' 3rd form.
Escape the cave.
Beat the game in under 200 seconds.
Find the 1st alternate ending.
Complete all other achievements!