
Age 34, Male




Joined on 7/16/06

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Posted by All-American-Badass - August 14th, 2007

well here's my ranting blog. i will make rant's about whatever the hell is bothering me at the time

right now August 13th, 2007
yes this is something that i have been ranting about for the past 2 years commercials suck now
it all started with Gap commercials which always have and always will suck. the Mcdonalds followed with the im loving it commercials the Old Navy with the get tour fash on commercials. After that it all went down hill. Mcdonalds made the dollar menuaire commercials which reall had no point in existing in the first place then the most recent one i;ve seen is THAT DAMN EXTRA COMMERCIAL WHERE THEY THAT ONE DUDE IS AT AIPORT SECURITY. ITS FUCKING GAY. now i refuse to chew Extra gum im switching to trident. and before i forget. that damn kicking tree commercial wendy;s had running. it made no fucking sense. now some dude on the forums said it was supposed to have some secret meaning about anti- conformiry. but the fact that he yell's hot juicy burger at the end is what throws me off.
End rant #1

August 17th, 2007

When i was at work Wendsday(sp?) i was going to get some ice for our ice machine because its a bitch and doesn;t work and when i came back we had a huge line of customers waiting. and i though damn late lunch rush. so i dumped the ice in the ice machine and went to the register. the first like 7 of them had a really really thick french accent. i could not understand of fucking word they were saying. so i asked them to say what they wanted again. i still couldn't understand them but i just went by what they sounded like they were saying. i think one of them ordered a ruben and a coke with no ice. but still it was too thick for me to understand it SO TO YOU PEOPLE WITH REALLY REALLY THICK ACCENTS OUT THERE. DONT GO SOMEWHERE WHERE PEOPLE AREN;T GONNA UNDERSTAND YOUR THICK ACCENT ITS GONNA PISS THEM OFF

August 28th, 2007

they piss me off
your trying to to get somewhere then some dude pulls infront of you going like 40 despite the fact that the speed limit is 55. and whats worse is when you can't pass him because its either a no pass zone or there's too much traffic coming from the other way.

September 13th, 2007

this rant is pretty self explanatory. the only good thing is that they're hot. But i really hate when your tryin to do somethi and they just keep talking annoyingly about nothing. In my english class i have to sit by 2 of them and they're like "oh em gee""I dee Kay""Bee eff eff" and other annoying crap

Septermber 26th,2007

we all have them. Mine just happens to be my English teacher i hate her she make my English class read too much. there's no way in hell we can read 140 pages in i fucking week especially when we have work. Now since school has started i've haven;t been working that much. then she ends up giving a quiz about every 6 chapters or so about the most damn random thing ever in the book. WE ARE NOT THAT THUROUGH OF READERS. so all of us end up failing it

October 13th, 2007

well its been a while since i updated this but just recently a new thing to rant about has come to my antention

well this is pretty much self explanatory here but im sure you know who im minaly talking aobut with this rant, if you don't, it's Iron-owns-u
1. he's just a whiny bitch who's like whaaaaa i got banned from runescape becuase my friend told messed around with my dude.
2. he's an annoying asshole, he calls everyone a fag, which is more annoying than being an asshole
3. he thinks he can't be banned here forever, but he is indeed wrong

and if you are this person or are like this person and are/ are planning to post on the BBS please go to another forum,like the myspace forum, and spam there becuase we don;t want to deal with you here and i don;t like myspace so if your gonna spam and be a whiny bitch please do it somewhere i don't like so at least you can useful for something and be actually respected by at least me

October 18th, 2007


yet again another self explanaory rant
and the sad thing is that most of the attention whores just say something controversial just for the attention, they don;t actually believe in that statement. so either way they're screwed
HONESTLY ARE YOU THAT DEPENDENT ON THE ATTENTION OF PEOPLE THAT YOU HAVE TO LIE TO GET ATTENTION, OR HURT YOURSELF ON PURPOSE. what I really hate are the actors and actresses that are attention whores. i mean they get enough attention as it is by being in movies and what now. but now they crave more attention. what the hell is wrong with those douchebags. and to close this rant i have one thing to say. if you;re an attention whore either go into PR, acting, or poltics as a career, or get some more damn friends

October 29th, 2007


i really just hate it when your doing something with YOUR free time and someone, usually a teacher, TELLS YOU TO DO SOMETHING ELSE. even though you have nothing else to do. you can make that rebuttle but they usually never listen. they think to highly of themselves to care and they're just a bunch of ignorant assholes who wont let people enjoy life every once and a while. the first being a result of the second. so pretty much teachers are paid to make sure we're bored to death. and you can consider this as a spinoff of my teacher who give too much work rant which i did a month ago

November 1st, 2007


Well, im going to start the month off with a brief rant. I just hate it when someone is talking to you and they pause, for what you think, so you can respond. but as soon as you come up with something to say. the just continue on rambling about something. you try to interup but they just ignore you or either say. im talking here wait till im finished then i might listen to what you have to say. but after they're done talking and you start talking just just have a blank stare on there faces like they're not even listening they're just starting at something.

November 22nd, 2007


I honestly hate traffic lights not only do they kill you on gas milage but the also screw you over. Every time i get to a light it turns red on me and makes me stay there for longest minute of my life. all the cars that make the light suck aand all the cars that i have to wait for suck. and trying to turn left at a light is impossible becuase only half of them have that damn turn left green one and those that dont your waiting for like 60 cycles of the light before you can turn at the damn intersection.

December 17th, 2007

I hate it when you have so much crap you need to do and you have to get it all done before a certain time but you jsut cant do it so your lagging behind on everything that you never get anything done.
Its too damn stressing

January 27th, 2008
woohoo my first rant on 2008

i just hate them. no matter how hard you try to explain somethin to them they still insist on what they believe. then they blame you for not explaining what you jsut got done explaining. so they're pretty much assholes also D:<

Feburary 8th, 2008

Don't you just hate it when your leaving a parking lot or driving by an intersection. the some asshole cuts you off. It happens to me all the time then i end up honking my horn and cuss at the fags who cut me off. It pisses me off the most of my driving pet peeves.

Feburary 18th, 2008

I honestly dont give a damn about celebrities. I hope they all die. what pissed me off is that whenever a celebrity gets sent to jail or something thats all they fucking talk about on the news. there are much more important things to talk about like the War in iraq or Kosvov independence or southern tornados. but no, OUR FUCKING NEWS HAS TO COVER BRITTNEY SPEARS GETTING SENT TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL. I DO NOT GIVE A DAMN. I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THOSE TORNADOS IN THE SOUTH AND HOW WE ARE DOING IN IRAQ.. i love this country more than anything but the fact that we take celebrity life more sersiously than our own makes me sick. i mean our our lives that boring as to where we have to obessed over some shithead who starred in a film. even if it was good.

March 20th, 2008


i honestly hate it when you don't know about stuff and you end up looking like a total idiot. especially when you're taking a test and you miss a one that you know everyone else got. that pisses me off. Hell im pissed off becuase i didn't know what to rant about this time but i had to think of something to keep my at least 1 rant a month thing going. and now i don't know what i should rant about next and im pissed becuase of it. i also hate it when you're angry and you don't know why.

April 20th, 2008
This is espeically a problem where i work. becuase the customer orders and you put it in register and then they decided they want something else. then you have to get the damn keys to change the fucking order (yeah the registers at my work are old pieces of shit). also when you're at the fry station you see the order on the screen then it changes after you box the order then you have th put the damn stuff back in the station and rebox something different or drop more stuff in the fryer and you end up waiting for like 3 minutes. that pisses me off.

May 21st, 2008
Well i thought this would be most fitting thing seeing how im moving to Kansas City here in about 3 weeks. Yeah i just hate it when you figure out your moving and you've became so damn casual at your house, just left stuff laying around, then all the sudden BAM you learn that your gonna be moving and your house is gonna me on the market. then you have to be the most uptight person when it comes to cleaning. which is impossible. so therefore moving sucks.

June 20th, 2008
i honestly hate them. just like everything else. they always come up to you and say your ruining the enviroment somehow. like when your using paper towels when you have on of those blow dyers in the bathroom. some enviromentalist fag will come up to you and say "OMG YOUR KILLING TREES HOW COULD YOU" the tree's already dead theres nothing you can do about it. also even if i use all the roll it still wouldnt kill a treet to replace it. also with hybrid owners who act all smug and get pissed off whenever you drive an SUV. they also are the reason gas if $4 a gallon becuase we cant drill for moe oil. i think they should all be shot.

July 20th, 2008
i fucking hate them. its a pain in the pass to wait in one, wether it be to wait in a line for a ride or wait in line for checking out at a store. and more than likey while in a check out line your behin some dumbass who bought like 323092 different things whne you only bought like 5. so even then if your next in line your waiting like 5 hours for him to finnish checkin out to finally check out yourself.



your mom?


but i'll be happy to give your mom secks

She's ded lulz naw seckz nah GF!

nooo she cant be dead

I hate people who drive below the speed limit. They're usually the ones who are paranoid parents who are too protective of their kids and they have a line-up of about 25 cars, waiting impatiently to get to their destination.

don;t forget old people
they drive below the speed limit also


I can't believe you forgot AXE's dumbass BOW CHIKA WOW WOW commericals. Dumbest shit ever.

Great Rants...plan to read more.

no way Axe commercial have hot chicks stripping in them


It's fun.


You're a badass.

indeed i am

Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks!
The Lock Legion Sucks!
Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal.
You cannot kill the Clock Crew
The Kitty Krew Sucks
The Lock Legion Sucks
Believe it

you are now banned from replying to my blogs
you have 70 years 135 days 18 hours 56 minutes 23 seconds until the ban is lifted

Reason for ban:
sending a spam comment thats is too long and has no relavance to the blog
this is a mandatory ban - All-American-Badass

your a prick >:(

but you got a nice name tho :D

why thank you
your name is cool also

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SMICO RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The slow drivers are the worst.

especially if your up here in montana where everone does 50 in a 35

You're a total badass!

indeed i am

How about we flame iron-0wns-you.

we already are
i already flamed him on his blog
now to flame him on my blog

hat was mena

never said my wants were gonna be nice

wus gonna apoligize after yor respond, cause i from, the beggining have been called an atention whore, man of my great battles have been foguht with others who hate attention whores, i am a hero to all. but people like you still like me so i'll try to get along wiht you and tone it down, thank you for your time

you can;t tell me to tone it down
thats like telling a duck to moo
its impossible
plus i partially hate myself with that rant becuase i have atention whore tendicies and so does everyone else here


boo ya!!!

But I am a whoring of the attentions!
And you are on my list of UILFs mostly because of your name.

yeah thats nice

Nice ranting, you have a lot of true points, but ranting is nothing without going through to change what it is your ranting about. And nice profile picture, it kills me a little inside every time I see it, but it still is kinda funny. As well as the true words in your profile message.

i do change what im ranting about :\

I shall hijack your rant blog tomorrow with my alt

have fun xD
and what is your alt


just wait it will get bigger
then you'll have more :D faces

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